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Stephanie Ambrose

Stephanie Ambrose

Maryann Everett

Maryann Everett
Assistant Principal

Principal's Message

Greetings from the Lion’s Den!

It is with great pride and honor that I write this letter to introduce myself as the Principal of P.W. Moore Elementary School.  I am excited to have the opportunity to return to the place I called home for over 17 years.

I started my educational journey as a substitute teacher, teacher assistant, and classroom teacher at P.W. Moore.  I have served as an Interventionist, AIG Facilitator, Instructional Coach, Assistant Principal (at P.W. Moore), and Principal for two years at Weeksville Elementary School.   I am excited to bring the experience and knowledge I have gained along the way, back to the classrooms, teachers, and students of our school.

Along with the teachers and staff, I will work diligently to pull our school out of Restart Status.  In order to do that I am going to need YOUR help.  I need you to make sure our students get a good night’s rest so they can log on every day at 9:00 am sharp and again in the afternoon for small group instruction.  Please monitor the students on the devices to make sure they understand the assignments.  If they run into problems or get frustrated because they aren’t understanding, stop, and connect with the teacher during office hours so they can help.

I know WE can and WE will be successful.  I am ready to get started!  I am eager to see the students and observe them as they are learning new skills from the cloud.  Please feel free to call or email me to discuss your concerns.  I look forward to working with you as a team to help each student at PWM have a successful school year!


Stephanie W. Ambrose, Principal